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Vigneti della ValpolicellaVigneti della Valpolicella
Your wine,
our delight
Partnership and planning

The wine project is a medium-term partnership agreement, ranging from three to five years, on the scheduling of quality wine supplies between Furia and its clients, at guaranteed prices.

Una filiera d'eccellenza

Furia è un'azienda famigliare di oltre 200 anni nella Valpolicella. Produciamo vino B2B e ci dedichiamo alla ricerca di soluzioni innovative per soddisfare le esigenze dei nostri clienti.

Siamo costantemente alla ricerca di innovazioni per migliorare la qualità del nostro vino.

Utilizziamo tecnologie e processi all'avanguardia per offrire un vino di eccellente qualità.

I requisiti di collaborazione


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Vigneti biologici

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Rispetto risorse

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Elevati standard di certificazione

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Rotazione delle colture

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Tecnologie avanzate

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Let's talk about a wine project.

Confrontation with the team

  • The client, together with the Furia team of winemakers, defines the objectives and organoleptic characteristics of the wine through dedicated tastings and laboratory experiments.
  • Subsequently, our winemakers consult with the Furia agronomic team, which selects the most suitable grapes each year for each project.
  • The client is able to monitor the processes through informative technical sheets and samples provided from time to time, ensuring the traceability of the product. Alternatively, they are welcome to visit the winery to discuss with the technicians and taste directly, by appointment with the oenologists.
Vino Furia in preparazione per la commercializzazione


  • Once the goal and the desired wine are defined, the oenological team consults with Furia's commercial team, which will contact the clients for drafting the contract on stable supplies at guaranteed prices.
  • Confidentiality: a unique wine requires absolute confidentiality, which is why the characteristics of the wine will be put in black and white to protect the client.
  • Planning allows for organizing a quality supply chain, from the field to the finished wine. Traceability, stability of supplies, guaranteed price, uniqueness of the product.
Mani di un uomo che sta tagliando grappoli d'uva in una cassa

Our cellar

The coordination of our team and the available technologies allows us to monitor every step of production, achieving extraordinary results.

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Botti vino Furia

The process

Together, step by step

Wine Project Planning

A common picture

  • Objective
  • Selection and Tasting
  • Identification of the Ideal Wine
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Grapes selection

The backstage of the perfect wine

  • Vineyard Control
  • Health Status of the Grapes
  • Maturity Level
  • Grape Selection
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Appassimento (Grapes Withering)

Technologies and experience of the team in service for the grapes

  • Physical and chemical control
  • Obtaining certification
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Grapes processing

From crushing to fermentation

  • Crushing  
  • Controlled Winemaking  
  • Pressing  
  • Wine Production
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Refinement and aging

A unique identity

  • Analysis  
  • Controlled Stock  
  • Aging
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Wines identification

The final touch, the perfect blend.

  • Wine Selection  
  • Qualitative Separation  
  • Sampling  
  • Market Selection
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Ready to bottle

Quality certification

  • Product Compliance Analysis  
  • Tartaric and Protein Stability  
  • Filtration  
  • Health Control  
  • Certification Approval
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Laboratory and wine research

Wide-range monitoring to guarantee exceptional results.

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Vino in laboratorio

Our commitment to the environment

Investments in Research and Development, along with sharing ideas with universities and partners, to reduce each year the externalities of our company.

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Mano che raccoglie un grappolo d'uva nei Vigneti della Valpolicella

Bulk wines vary significantly, making it essential to ensure product traceability for our clients through comprehensive sampling, thorough analysis, and sophisticated computer systems capable of monitoring every production stage within the winery.
In this regard, BRC-IFS certification is particularly valuable, not just for maintaining hygiene and food safety but crucially for safeguarding the quality and uniqueness of the wine.

Una filiera d'eccellenza

Furia è un'azienda famigliare di oltre 200 anni nella Valpolicella. Produciamo vino B2B e ci dedichiamo alla ricerca di soluzioni innovative per soddisfare le esigenze dei nostri clienti.

Siamo costantemente alla ricerca di innovazioni per migliorare la qualità del nostro vino.

Utilizziamo tecnologie e processi all'avanguardia per offrire un vino di eccellente qualità.

I requisiti di collaborazione


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Vigneti biologici

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Rispetto risorse

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Elevati standard di certificazione

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Rotazione delle colture

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Tecnologie avanzate

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Our Certifications


Click on the logos to open the PDFs.

Let's talk about a wine project, together

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